The Challanges of Hierachical analysis

Karangmalang, April 22nd 2015. As a part of International conference activities, on a discussion of research method coducted by FE UNY, Hawjeng Chiou promoted a hierarchical analysis as a challage method for recent publication. James Hawjeng Chiou, Ph.D. 邱皓政博士 is a faculty member of Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan Normal University. Hawjeng is a Setyabudi Indartono, Ph.D teacher during his PhD study at National Central University. He pointed the trends for Statistical/Psychometrical Issues in Management Research. Based on the journal Personnel psychology and Journal of applied psychology, the trend of the issue on methodology and psychometric is seem increase. It is include the discussion of multiple regression, structural equation modeling, and multilevel research. Accordingly scholars have to understand well on the top tiers journal requirement of advance method. It is commod for reviewers that article without suitable method is otomatically rejected.

This attractive discussion have dinamic feedback from participat which mostly teach research method. Participants challange Hawjeng with various question to explain in detail the case of method on first tiers journal. Accordingly his publication experiences writing papers in some top tiers journal are usefull for participant who want to submit their articles. This discussion is aggreed to be continue to make a deeper practice on hierarchical analysis by using HLM and or MPlus. Setyabudi Indartono, Ph.D head of Management school who joint the HLM class and MPlus with Muthen & Muthen in Hsinchu also agreed to facilitate participant to prepare the next session on HLM and or MPlus practice. Hence, Setyabudi initiate for further academic collaboration within this issues to promote more academic results such as join paper or book chapter writing as well as credit transfer and join conference between UNY and NTNU Taiwan.